Presentation of results of collaborative work CIAT-MINAM

Lima, Perú
Terra-i team

On December 10th, 2015 the Ministry of Environment of Peru and the Terra-i CIAT team, presented in Lima, the results of the collaborative work that has been done between the two institutions in capacity building of SIGMINAM.

Terra-i Team

The conference included presentations of different projects developed during the year under the interinstitutional work of MINAM - CIAT. Including the field validation in Yurimaguas (carried out under the umbrella of the Sustainable Amazonian Landscapes project), website changes, improvements of the Terra-i tool, collaborations with other institutions and future developments.
Furthermore, specialists from the Directorate General of Land Management (DGOT) MINAM, showed how the data provided by the Terra-i tool have been used. An example was the use of alerts to focus activities of monitoring and control of illegal/ informal mining in Madre de Dios and Puno.
By statistical analysis of Terra-i data, the DGOT has a tool that allows to appreciate more clearly the effects of their actions on the territory. The statistics are also important for specialists from other directions, which are not familiar with spatial information. It facilitates them to understand the dynamics of vegetation  cover change at national level, which provides a more integrated work between institutions.

Photo by DGOT - MINAM

As part of the activities certificates of attendance and participation were given to 15 specialists of the MINAM. This group was present at the 4 workshops that were realized throughout the year on the use, scientific bases and applications of the Terra-i tool as early warning system to detect changes of land cover and land use.
The realization of these workshops is an important step for the MINAM specialists to begin processing the data locally. Also during the different sessions participants suggested improvements concerning the tool and the website of which some have been implemented.

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